RWC Technologies, together with Asesoramiento Ambiental Estrategico (AAE), participated in the formulation and design of the Integrated Ecosystem Restoration Program led by Conservation International (CI). This GEF-8 Integrated Program, with an investment of $183 million, aims to restore 4.3 million hectares of crucial ecosystems such as forests, mangroves, wetlands, peatlands, and grasslands in 20 countries: Angola, Brazil, Cambodia, Chad, DR Congo, Ivory Coast, Haiti, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mexico, Mozambique, Nepal, Peru, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam.
Together with Strategic Environmental Consulting (AAE), the final evaluation of the Integrated Ridge-to-Reef Management Project for WWF was conducted. This International Waters project covered the countries of the Mesoamerican Reef System: Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico. The project implementation was highly satisfactory, exceeding expectations. Achievements include the development of regional and national policy instruments, the endorsement of the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis and the Strategic Action Program, stakeholder training, increased funding for public-private mechanisms, and the promotion of best management practices in tourism and agriculture.
Together with Asesoramiento Ambiental Estrategico (AAE), RWC Technologies conducted the mid-term evaluation of the coordination project for 11 national sub-projects in 10 Asian and African countries within The Restoration Initiative (TRI) Program. This evaluation supported the three implementing agencies - IUCN, in collaboration with FAO and UNEP - in identifying opportunities for improvement to steer the project towards achieving the expected results.
RWC Technologies, together with Strategic Environmental Consulting (AAE), participated in the final evaluation of the "Eliminating Deforestation from Commodity Supply Chains" Project of the Good Growth Partnership (GGP). The objective of this project is to reduce the global impact of agricultural commodities on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and biodiversity, by meeting the growing demand for palm oil, soy, and beef through supply chains that do not lead to deforestation or related GHG emissions.
Design and preparation of a Project Document: a $17 M U.S. GEF-8 Full Sized Child Project to provide coordination and governance to the GEF-8 Ecosystem Restoration Program. In Partnership with Asesoramiento Ambiental Estrategico (AAE) for Conservation International and Global Environment Facility.
Formulation and design of the Project Identification Document (PIF) for FAO and CCAD, with the aim of enhancing environmental sustainability, economic prosperity, and climate resilience in the Pacific Coastal Central American and Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystems (LME). This project, supported by the 8 member countries of SICA, employs a source-to-sea approach to protect marine and freshwater resources, benefiting both ecosystems and livelihoods.
Drafting of GEF project document (ProDoc) an associated documents to develop a communications strategy and implementation plan for the "Building a Blue-Green Economy in St. Kitts and Nevis' Project"
The purpose of this project is to address the environmental degradation affecting the coral reefs and marine ecosystems of St. Kitts & Nevis, under the GEF Integrated Program Clean & Healthy Oceans. To achieve this goal, AAE has contracted RWC Technologies as part of the project formulation and design team to support The Nature Conservancy (TNC)..
Terminal Evaluation for the “Innovative Use of a Voluntary Payment for Environmental Services Scheme to Avoid and Reduce GHG Emissions and Enhance Carbon Stocks in the Highly Threatened Dry Chaco Forest Complex in Western Paraguay- GEF 5668
RWC Technologies, together with Strategic Environmental Consulting (AAE), participated in the final evaluation of a GEF-funded project in Paraguay, implemented by Conservation International (CI). The project aimed to promote conservation and improve carbon reserves through sustainable land use management, land-use change, and forestry, by establishing an incentive system for carbon sequestration through payments for environmental services. The evaluation was conducted through a review of available documentation, followed by data collection via surveys, focus groups, semi-structured interviews, and field visits.