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Project Design and Evaluations

  • Environmental Consulting: 

    • Design and â€‹Project Evaluation 

    • Consultations and Training

    • Technical studies in water efficiency

    • Safeguards

    • Watershed and Land Management 

    • Environmental, social and economic impact studies


Project design

Planning and management of transboundary river basins; agricultural, livestock and forestry initiatives appropriate for a changing climate (climate Smart); ecosystem adaptation actions (EbA). Preparation of environmental and social management frameworks and plans, in line with the expectations of different donor agencies; systematic process of envisioning a desired future and translating that vision into goals or objectives and a sequence of steps to achieve them. We have provided project design services to national governments, international organizations and multi and bilateral institutions (40 projects financed in 24 countries).

Diseno de Proyects
Masai africano en vestimenta tradicional


Midterm and final evaluations of bilateral and multilateral  international investments of NGOs. The process of evaluating the implementation of a project helps the team to step back and examine where they are, where they want to go, how to get there, what resources are needed, who will implement, who will be responsible, and how all planned products and activities will be tracked. . It is also an opportunity to identify opportunities for improvement in future initiatives and share lessons learned.



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